This post highlights 7 signs that point to the fact you need outsourced marketing services. And the help you need to grow your business.
Marketing is an important part of your business’ agenda. By being found online. Also increases brand awareness, boosts lead generation and most importantly, grow sales.
However, you may be in a position where, while you understand the importance of your marketing activity. And how it contributes to your business’ sales… But, you simply don’t have the resources or expertise to continue your current level of activity.
Outsourcing your marketing may be worth considering if you are in this position.
But before you decide to completely commit to the notion. First, you need to evaluate your current situation. And, ascertain whether or not outsourced marketing services is something you need to do.
Start-up or Small Business
If you are a start-up or small company focusing on other aspects of your business. Such as;
- growth,
- product development and,
- investment.
You may not have the time to focus on your marketing activity. But, by bringing a specialist consultancy on board, which has experience in managing marketing campaigns similar to yours.
You can increase your;
- website traffic,
- brand awareness,
- exposure,
- reach,
- lead generation activity
- and most importantly, your sales activity.
Also, by enlisting the help of a specialist outsourced marketing service consultancy. You can expand your marketing team with access to a team of marketing staff who command a tremendous degree of experience, expertise and capability, at the fraction of the cost of employing a long-term marketing manager, with far more perks.
Without further ado, here are seven tell-tale signs. Which indicate it’s time to consider outsourcing your marketing – along with why you should.
Revenue is Not Growing Fast Enough
Of course, marketing contributor to revenue growth; but if you find that your revenue is growing slower than you anticipated. And your marketing activity has been constant. Then, you may want to enlist the help of an expert to review your performance.
Measure Performance
If you are not measuring the performance of your marketing. Or, have no idea how to. Then, an expert agency, or better yet, a consultancy. Will be able to measure, analyse and assess your marketing. Also, to the point where you can predict how much activity at the top of your sales, funnel. Is required to produce a sale at the bottom.
This depth of knowledge is extremely beneficial. Because it allows your business to interpret how your marketing and sales efforts translate into eventual sales. And on that basis, ascertain what channels are most effective at driving leads to your website.
With the help of a marketing consultancy, you can easily establish the ROI of your marketing activities.
- Accurately predict your lead generation activity,
- analyse the ideal path to conversion through your website,
- and design more effective data-driven marketing campaigns.
Productivity is Down AND Your Team is Overworked
Particularly for small businesses and start-ups operating on a shoestring budget. It is highly likely that you will have a rather limited marketing team. Purely because you are focusing on other areas of the business.
As a result, while specialised in a particular area, your marketing team may not have the depth of knowledge. Or, an available resource to conduct comprehensive marketing campaigns. So, if you find yourself in a position where one person in your marketing department is attempting to fill in for many different tasks. Then, outsourcing that activity may be the solution your business needs.
Outsourcing your marketing activities to a specialist consultancy will allow you to;
- reallocate resource,
- scale up your marketing
- and allow you to focus on other areas of the business.
And, whilst your marketing campaigns are meticulously managed.
Social Media
The great thing about requesting support from an outsourced marketing services consultancy. Is that it will have an incredibly wide skillset. Capable of conducting activities from;
- social media promotion and engagement,
- all the way through to pay-per-click campaigns, website development and workflow management.
Together with a dedicated, highly experienced marketing team supporting you. And running your day-to-day activities. You can preserve your marketing resource and enable them to concentrate on different, more business-critical elements of your marketing campaign.
Campaigns AND Projects Are Behind
You don’t want to fall into the position where you never have time and campaigns have fallen into disrepair. If you are only ever running campaigns on a day-to-day, short-term basis. And never adding anything new due to a backlog of tasks. Then, you will never be able to develop your campaigns and transform them into effective marketing tools.
Also, as you continue to run behind. The new campaigns you plan to launch are delayed. Furthermore, added to an ever-increasing list of things which ‘need to be done’ and never get completed.
With the help of a consultancy. You can dedicate more of your in-house marketing resource to the creation and management of new campaigns. Whilst your old campaigns are managed by the agency. Also, you benefit from the experience, skill and knowledge that an agency brings to the table. In regards to creating marketing campaigns. And, that regularly generate high-quality leads for your sales department to engage with.
An experienced consultancy will provide you with the capacity and resource you need to manage your existing marketing campaigns. Therefore, allowing you to focus on developing and deploying new ones. To bolster your lead generation activity.
Lead Generation Activity is Down
Your marketing campaigns have hit a roadblock. And whilst you are not doing anything differently. Your lead generation activity is on the decline, and you can’t identify why.
In today’s world, your prospects are subjected to various forms of marketing across a number of channels. On a day-to-day basis. And, many of them will develop an indifference towards most marketing material. So, therefore will choose to ignore it. For most of these prospects, they want to see something new – something high-quality and interesting. But, not the same content they saw a week ago.
If you have not been experimenting and refining your marketing campaigns purely because the current campaigns are ‘working’. Then, you are missing out on an opportunity to potentially capture the attention of more and more prospects. – And increase your lead generation activity.
Your business’ lead generation is the most important aspect of its marketing activity. As no leads equal no potential sales. If you have conducted the same marketing activity for the last two or three years. And, your lead generation activity is in decline. Then, it’s highly likely that your prospects are tired of the same content and promotional material you push out.
Content Creation is Non-Existent
Content is fundamental to your business’ marketing online. It provides you with the means to capture the attention of your prospects. And drive them back to your website. Also, increase your business’ brand awareness. And help you to develop your website as a source of high-quality, authoritative information.
If you are not creating high-quality content on a regular basis. Then, your business’ lead generation activity and overall sales will slowly decline. And, your business’ online presence will regress. Furthermore, the people interested in the solutions you offer will not be able to find you as a result.
You may have a series of subject matter and industry experts within your firm. But, due to business objectives and managerial concerns. They may not have the time to produce a regular stream of blogs for the business.
Content Creation Specialist
So, you can outsource your business’ content creation to a specialist consultancy which understands the digital marketing landscape intimately. Also, you can brief them on your positioning, aims and objectives. And, to ensure that the content they create is aligned with your business’ goals. They can also promote and monitor that content on your behalf and provide you with detailed reporting on content performance.
Consultancies and agencies can help your business to deliver a steady stream of content aligned with your business’ goals. – And promote that content for you on the relevant channels. If your subject matter and industry experts simply don’t have the time, you can brief a consultancy and they can develop the content for you.
Can’t Afford to Hire a Whole Marketing Team
One of the distinct advantages of using outsourced marketing services as a dedicated marketing agency. Is that you receive diverse marketing knowledge from experts. Who is most likely well versed in multiple forms of marketing and automation platforms. And, for the fraction of the cost of an in-house marketing team. You then have a regularly available resource you can tap into for insights, advice and marketing support – no matter what your issue.
With a simple email or phone call, you can quickly call upon the expertise of a consultancy to help you troubleshoot your marketing campaigns – or even technical marketing automation, CRM or sales platform issues. Not only does a consultancy have the necessary experience to manage, refine and improve your marketing activity, but it would also cost significantly less, use tried-and-tested processes which are incredibly effective and have a depth and breadth of skills, with marketers who understand every element of your campaigns.
If you are looking for value for money and are not prepared to invest in a full in-house marketing team, you can support and enhance your existing marketing activities with the help of a dedicated consultancy, which will be more than capable of managing your marketing on your behalf – as well as providing best practice insights.
Your Website is Not Generating Any Business Enquiries
In today’s world, your website meets your prospects before you do. Your website is by far the most important component in your lead generation and sales activity, it is both the first and last point of interaction with potential prospects.
If your website is failing to generate new business enquiries, perhaps due to a dated design, a lack of high-quality content, or offering no other means for your prospects to engage with your business other than ‘contact us’ – it may need a complete overhaul, along with the attention of an experienced marketing agency.
As your website is the most important component in your lead generation and sales activity, ensuring it is fully stocked with content, is dynamic and responsive, and provides your prospects with other means to engage with your business, is crucial. An expert consultancy can help to redesign and redevelop your website into the most powerful, prospect-orientated and lead generating part of your business.
Consultancies and agencies understand just how important your website is in relation to your lead generation activity. The best of these will have adopted a Growth-Driven Design approach to website build and redesign, enabling the creation of a website that is highly effective at generating leads, in the shortest possible period of time.
How Can a Consultancy Help With Outsourced Marketing Services
A consultancy can help you to identify new and lucrative ways to rapidly increase the lead generation capabilities of your marketing campaigns.
It can offer fresh insight and perspectives on the potency of your marketing, highlight things you may have missed, or not considered previously. In addition, it can develop those marketing campaigns on your behalf and transform them into a consistent lead generating programmes.
Experienced digital marketing consultants will be able to identify the reason behind the decline in your lead generation activity and provide alternative strategies to help you increase it.
Closing Thoughts
In today’s digital marketing world, there is a lot for your business to consider – and numerous ways through which it can generate inbound leads.
If you have the resource to acquire, train and develop an in-house marketing team to manage your marketing activity at every level, that is an excellent position to be in – but for many businesses, this will not be the case.
In this instance, acquiring the help of an expert consultancy to support and advise your business, as well as manage your marketing campaigns on your behalf, is certainly a wise decision. It will not only cost your business significantly less but also, provide greater returns in a shorter period of time.
Need help? Schedule a 15-minute call and we’ll discover quickly if there is a fit between us, your needs and the services I offer.